Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Holiday in Thailand

Spent my Christmas holiday in Farm Chokchai, Thailand . For those with kids, it is worth a visit.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Careful with statistics

In today TODAY, there is an interesting article on statistics.

In fact, we have to be careful when interpreting the results from statistics. There is even a book on how to lie with statistics.

Life long learning attitude

Browsing through my secondary and pre U report book, I have found what I am looking for. The idiom is 好学力行. Is it the same as 好学不倦. I wonder.

Friday, December 7, 2007

What happen after MEd 858?

Well. Encouraged by the good report from Marsiling Secondary School D&T curriculum. We, three musketeers, D&T teachers in three separate secondary schools, would like to give it a shot in infecting our students with some stint of what MEd 858 is all about. The saga has begun.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Reflection for Session 2 - Belated

After reading the three articles, "Aspects of Effective Learning Environments", "Emergent Design and Learning Environments: Building on indigenous Knowledge" and "The Design of Learning Environments". My take on Learning Environments is that although Singapore has progressively improved the physical infrastructure of the learning environments, we are lacking in the life-long learning attitude of our people. They need to have the feeling of "hunger".

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Reflection for Session 5

The presentation on the reports on three schools helped us to surface the strength and weakness of the school environments. We have learnt how to use SPSS software to analyze data from our small scale research in the classroom, understand the structure of a typical research paper, know the significance of Cronbach's Alpha and conduct paired sample t-test using 95% confidence interval.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reflection for Session 4

We have a great time evaluating the report on school climate in terms of postive and negative. I feel that instead of using these established instruments in the survey for SEM (school excellence model), teachers are tasked to come up with survey questions year-after-year, it is definitely a waste of precious time. PDCA (plan do check action) cycle should be able to surface issues affecting the KPI (key performance index) of the surveyed school. The statistical analysis by the SPSS is a great help in identifying the aspect of learning environments concerning the surveyed school. Working collectively with the teachers, the school leader should be able to provide vision and mission which translates into tangible objectives for the respective department.

Future school

Future school

Learning environment of the 60's

Learning environment of the 60's